2 oz Tall Grass Vodka
½ oz Simple Syrup (1:1 sugar and water)
½ oz Lemon Juice (approximately half a lemon squeezed)
2 oz White Cranberry Juice
2 Sprigs of rosemary
In a shaker, add all ingredients and fill with ice, shake and strain into a martini glass, and serve with a sprig of rosemary or frozen cranberries.


1.5 oz Tall Grass Vodka
½ oz Peach Schnapps
5-6 Mint leaves
3 oz peach juice
½ oz Lime Juice (approximately half a lime squeezed)
In a shaker, add all ingredients and shake until shaker becomes frosted on the outside. Strain into a martini glass, and garnish with a sprig of mint.


1.5 oz Tall Grass Vodka
½ oz Triple sec or Cointreau
2 oz Grapefruit Juice
In a shaker add all ingredients, fill with ice and shake and strain into a martini glass, and serve with an orange or grapefruit wedge. If you have Angostura bitters, throw a couple dash’s in for hint of bitterness.


1 oz Tall Grass Vodka
½ oz Peach Schnapps
In a champagne flute, add vodka, schnapps, then top with prosecco.