We're thrilled to announce that we've big winners at the 2018 Canadian Artisan Spirit Competition (woot woot!). Fifty-four distilleries from across Canada participated with the submitted spirits evaluated by eight judges from across Canada. These awesome (we like them cuz we won!) judges conducted independent and blind evaluations of the entries. When everything was tasted this is what we won:

Gold – Tall Grass Vodka
Silver – Tall Grass Gin
Silver – Tall Grass Dill Pickle Vodka
Bronze – Tall Grass Espresso Vodka

We're so honoured to have won these awards! We know that we're producing great stuff, but knowing that others think so too is such a great feeling. Our goal is to put Manitoba on the map as a producer of craft spirits and these awards show that we’re well on our way!

As always thank you to all of you for buying our product. We have great things on the horizon for 2018 (Rum! Oaked grain spirits!) and we can't wait for you to taste them!